Friday, June 03, 2005

Loan Story...the saga continues

Well, turns out that the loan officer at the credit union neglected to tell us that we needed to inform the loan company about our power of attorney so that they could tell the title company about it. Seems that none of these people ever deal with POA otherwise I would guess they would have been on top of it. So now I wait by the phone to find out if just bringing the document with us as well as a quick faxed letter from the loan company will suffice so that we can finally sign the damn loan papers today. I was told this yesterday at 4:30 because the lady at the title company insisted on calling my cell phone with a 503 area code instead of the 504 code clearly printed on the paper. When she finally figured that out, it was 4:30 pm. Now I wonder if the atlas van agent who has yet to return my call is doing the same retarded thing. Maybe they think I got my area code wrong? But then why don't they try the area code I give them? Maybe I should secede from this world and form my own where people are efficient, knowledgeable, can read, and use common sense.

Hey, did I tell you that it costs $20 to open a credit union account? I guess I'm "joining" the union so I pay the fee. Sheesh! I better earn some good interest on my savings least more that what I would have earned at a regular bank.

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