Friday, September 16, 2005

what's up

I did my first death pronouncement yesterday. It was a DNR/DNI situation so there was no code that preceeded the event. Just me and our team's excellent sub-I (4th year med student). We went and looked at pupils, listened for a heart beat for a minute, looked for signs of spontaneous respirations for a minute, then wrote down a time. Doesn't seem like much of a way to state the death of a person who may have had such an incredible life experience. Formalities I guess.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Apple - PowerBook G4

I wish I could spend money without worry. If so, I would buy a new ipod nano just cause it would be handy to have music with me at work when all I'm doing is writing my progress notes...without having the larger ipod i have now. I would also buy a new powerbook g4. I don't know why I torture myself like this. I look at it online and I swear I start salivating over the thought of a new computer. Oh and I would probably buy a desktop computer know, just cause I have the money to spend. Oh and I would buy a new car too. just cause. Not to mention a digital piano...a real piano would be nice but there's no space and um, it would be pretty difficult to get a regular piano up the stairs into my home. must be nice to be stinkin rich.