Saturday, January 28, 2006

Payton Turns 1

Tomorrow my niece will be 1 year old. I'm a little sad about not getting to be there but I sent her present on time (which is a major accomplishment for me). I went to the Build-a-Bear store and made her a monkey, dressed it in the scrubs outfit they sell, put a little pink bow on it's tail (to mark her as a girl monkey doctor), and called her "Bananas, MD." Dorky, I know, but she's a cute little monkey. And when Payton figures out how to press the left arm, Bananas will make her monkey sounds. My mom still hasn't sent me any pictures of my niece since she was about 8 or 9 months old. She told me she'll send me some but I think I'll end up waiting until she comes next month. My brother and sister-in-law aren't too great about sending photos either. Geez! What does a doting aunt have to do to get some pictures of her one and only niece!?! I'll be going home in april for my next vacation so I'll get to spend time with her then. She'll be walking by then, if she hasn't already done that (isn't it sad that I don't get ANY news of my niece? And since only dad reads this, maybe he'll send pictures.