So it snowed last night while I was on call so I didn't get to play in least it didn't keep me from leaving post call...that blame goes to the attending who decided to do things his way rather than the protocol. So instead of seeing the sick babies first and then the kids up on the peds floor, we saw the well babies because there was a nurse who kept harassing us to see one of her patient's baby so they could leave. I told the attending that they could wait since we needed to see those who were the sickest first and he said "we need to see the discharges first." BS. No other attending runs things that way. The other complicating factor was someone who felt that moving the weekend that she made 39 weeks from her previous home in utah without any of her prenatal records would be a smart thing. You do sense the sarcasm right? Anyway, she delivered this morning around 10:30 so that kept me there longer. I did 2 deliveries on my call shift so I suppose that's not too bad. Anyway, i missed playing in the snow but I did go out and stand in the falling snow for awhile. The nurses all laughed at me. I don't care. One of the nurses slipped on the ice and whacked her head hard and got rolled over to the ED. Oh and I got some excitement when the patient who delivered when I first started out on sunday decided to have a hemorrhage at 4 pm. I was told I handled the situation well but it was with assistance from the experienced nurses who asked me if I wanted certain other words, I just needed to say yes. I did know about 2 of the meds they were pulling out when I got to the room and ordered those doses so I suppose I needed some brain function. And in my head I kept saying "please stay alive until my attending shows up." Anyway, I'm rambling...
Oh, one more thing, I bought a snow shovel so I could shovel my steep driveway. There is the possibility that my driveway will be one ice slide in the morning and I will need to call about being late (oh darn...sarcasm again) but oh well...
I have decided that snow is pretty when it's not on the road.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
well, my cousin carly and her husband just found out they were having twins. Yep, this is the younger sister of my other cousin Erinn, who just had twins in april. Hmmm...this could make getting pregnant for any member of our extended family potentially dangerous... or fun. Crazy will be if laura gets pregnant with twins at some point, their mom (my aunt) told her to just adopt. Perhaps the proud grandparents are already burnt out on helping with twins? I now have to make 2 receiving blankets instead of the one I just started. anyway, I need to shower and eat some lunch then go meet chris. we're going to see the harry potter movie.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I don't know what it was about today's delivery but it felt so exciting and rejuvinating. Maybe it's because I hadn't done a delivery in the past week and had kind of gotten bored after doing a month of ob and having to stay one more month - a slump. This woman wasn't any different than anyone else I had delivered and I didn't exactly feel any more connected to her but it was just a great feeling after getting that baby out. It was kind of a big kid too: 9lb 10 oz and the placenta was huge too! Thankfully she didn't tear so no stitching required. Maybe it was happiness that although I stayed late to deliver her, I didn't have to stay later to repair any tears. I predicted her delivery around 5 pm and he was born at 5:01 pm. It was fun.
I also got a thank you note from a woman who I helped deliver a couple of weeks ago (she had a c-section because her baby was breech). I had taken a picture with her son so they gave me a copy of the picture. I also circumsized him. Very much the continuity and full service a family physician provides.
I also got a thank you note from a woman who I helped deliver a couple of weeks ago (she had a c-section because her baby was breech). I had taken a picture with her son so they gave me a copy of the picture. I also circumsized him. Very much the continuity and full service a family physician provides.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
shopping and salivation
Good News! Today I went shopping at my new favorite place - Bridgeport Shopping Center in Tigard (that's the place we met your airline friends, Dad). It's So Amazing it's probably better that it takes a while to get there...relative to how close Clackamas Town Center is to my house. Anyway, there's J.Crew, Banana Republic, a fun Container Store...And the best thing - APPLE STORE!!!! Yippeee! I love the apple store! Today I spent an hour in there salivating over all the things I wish I could buy and can't afford...mostly the new powerbooks. There's supposed to be a new update in january or february possibly with the new Intel chips so I think I might buy a new computer after the first batch comes out with whatever problems may arise. I don't have time to be an early adopter and deal with any little bugs the first intel powerbooks might have. My computer now still works but the screen is messed up and for a brief time, one of the usb ports didn't work and in february, it will be 4 years old. And I can still get the education discount with my tulane id...I wonder where I put that thing. Actually, I would probably order it online since I'm going to customize it with a bigger and faster harddrive and more ram. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the silver colored keys but overall it looks like a great product. Oh and I also might buy a new PDA with my $500 of CME money. I'm waiting to see any updates next spring since I have the whole year to use that money plus the $100 from Compusa cause they initally ripped me off when I had my old ipod replaced with the one I have now. So far has the cheapest price and I also have a $15 off coupon to use but it expires on Dec 15th. I wish I were rich so I could buy these things sooner.
Anyway, I got a lot of christmas shopping done today so it was a big accomplishment for me considering I was post call today (i got a decent amount of sleep in last night)
Anyway, I got a lot of christmas shopping done today so it was a big accomplishment for me considering I was post call today (i got a decent amount of sleep in last night)
Friday, November 18, 2005
Blogthings - What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
I saw this on Robin's site so I thought I'd see what my birthday meant. I think it's pretty accurate...not so sure about the color and shape...
I should sleep. I get to sleep in tomorrow!!! Yippeee!
I should sleep. I get to sleep in tomorrow!!! Yippeee!
Your Birthdate: July 22 |
You tend to be understated and under appreciated. You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way. People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little. Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know. Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid Your power color: Silver Your power symbol: Square Your power month: April |
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Bergy is Here!
Christina came in last night. It's nice to have someone around to talk with and have some fun...okay so far we haven't done much except eat out tonight and then work side by side with our powerbooks - she's studying for step 2 and I'm working on my clinic notes. I was hoping to have fun this weekend but I was essentially pressured into switching my call from monday to sunday so the other intern could go to the ALSO class because they didn't want to bother the person on jeopardy because he had a problem last year involving extra OB time or something incredibly stupid. I should have held my ground better but I didn't want to be seen as the inflexible visiting resident. It's bad enough that I'm not one of them (by that I mean a resident in their program). So I won't get to sleep in this weekend and I desperately needed that after doing q2 for 3 call shifts in a row and now I'll be doing q2 for 2 call shifts. Screwed over, yep, that's how I feel right about now. Well, speaking of needing sleep, I'm going to bed now so I can get my 7 hours in tonight. vacation is soooo far away.
Monday, October 31, 2005
I'm so tired tonight. Add to that the fact that I neglected to change my clock in the living room and so now I find myself with an extra hour before needing to sleep for tomorrow. I start OB and according to one of the attendings, there are days when I don't go into the hospital (other than weekends) but I don't remember the other interns mentioning that. All I know is that it's back to getting up early so I can get from my home to vancouver by 7 am. And since it's raining now, gotta add on extra transit time since oregon drivers seem to go really really slow even though it's only drizzling. Oh well, we'll see how my first day of 2 OB months will be. Then I do 2 months of family medicine service then ICU...then I die. The fatigue I'll have at the end of these next 5 months is scary to think about. Especially when I realize I'll have all of 1 week to recapture that lost sleep.
Christina comes next week for her OHSU rotation so it will be fun to have her here. I think I wrote that already but that shows you how tired I feel right now. Time to shower then sleep I think since I need to give myself enough time in the morning to drive up there and possibly get lost trying to find the family birth center not to mention the thought of delivering babies tomorrow having not caught a baby since November 2004. I'm told it will all come back to me. Um, I didn't exactly know how to catch the baby correctly back then. I sort of grabbed the baby as it came out then pulled it into my arms and tried not to drop it. This approach makes it impossible to do the next step of suctioning out the mouth and nose and then clamping off the umbilical cord. I guess by the end I will be able to catch and hold with one arm and use the other free hand to do the necessary things. I'll also apparently be able to look into the birth canal and somehow identify where the tears are and bring together the tissue to fix it - my last memory of a tear was that it all looked like chewed up meat without any apparent landmarks. Of course, that too was greater than a year ago and my memory is probably fuzzy. It should be fun though. I need to let Renae know when I'll be on duty so she can sign up for her hospital tour. I think Laura will be there when Renae has her baby. Of course, I'm referring to Laura the intern because I'm sure Aunty Laura (renae's mom) and perhaps our cousin Laura as well will be there at some point. That could get confusing.
where was I...oh yes, bedtime.
Christina comes next week for her OHSU rotation so it will be fun to have her here. I think I wrote that already but that shows you how tired I feel right now. Time to shower then sleep I think since I need to give myself enough time in the morning to drive up there and possibly get lost trying to find the family birth center not to mention the thought of delivering babies tomorrow having not caught a baby since November 2004. I'm told it will all come back to me. Um, I didn't exactly know how to catch the baby correctly back then. I sort of grabbed the baby as it came out then pulled it into my arms and tried not to drop it. This approach makes it impossible to do the next step of suctioning out the mouth and nose and then clamping off the umbilical cord. I guess by the end I will be able to catch and hold with one arm and use the other free hand to do the necessary things. I'll also apparently be able to look into the birth canal and somehow identify where the tears are and bring together the tissue to fix it - my last memory of a tear was that it all looked like chewed up meat without any apparent landmarks. Of course, that too was greater than a year ago and my memory is probably fuzzy. It should be fun though. I need to let Renae know when I'll be on duty so she can sign up for her hospital tour. I think Laura will be there when Renae has her baby. Of course, I'm referring to Laura the intern because I'm sure Aunty Laura (renae's mom) and perhaps our cousin Laura as well will be there at some point. That could get confusing.
where was I...oh yes, bedtime.
Monday, October 24, 2005

Here's my cute little niece Payton. She's around 8 months in this photo. My mom brought up a bunch of new pictures since Payton's mommy and daddy no longer have the time to keep her site updated now that they're back home. She's getting so big! The other night I went to Aunty Debby and Uncle Chuck's for sunday dinner and saw my cousin's 3 boys. They're all getting so big. Evan put on his little show. The twins are both very talkative. Elliot is scooting around on his bum. For some reason some people think they look alike...they may need to see an eye doctor. Anyway, I need to read some stuff (aka study). I'm having fun with my piano.
I went to see if I won any money from the ticket had 2 matching numbers but it didn't register a win. Oh well. It was worth a shot. Maybe the numbers had to be in the same order to win. Or maybe I was supposed to cash them in on sunday or saturday. My inability to understand lotteries is perhaps the reason why i don't buy the tickets.
Only a few more days on surgery. I still have issues trying to do the damn subcuticular stitches. Maybe I focus too much on finding the point where the epidermis meets the subepidermal layer. I get most of them in at the right spot but I take forever. And then when I try to take small segments, I'm told to take more cause I'm going to slow, then at the next opportunity I'm told I'm taking too big of a bite. For Crap's sake! Make up your mind! The surgeon's been very patient with me though so for that, I am truely grateful or I would have lost it by now. Certainly not the same kind of surgeons I had to work under as a med student.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Thanks to Kevin, Jodi, Mom and Dad, and perhaps Payton too, I now have a digital piano! Yea! Now I can have fun playing piano when I get home from work. Well, time to have some dessert.
Oh and finally got to intubate a couple of people. It was on my oncall night this week. They both had no teeth so no worries about breaking teeth and were both surgery patients so there was no "life or death" anxiety. I amazingly wasn't very shakey either.
Tomorrow mom and dad head home - it was a quick visit but at least I got to see them and hang out for a couple of afternoons (2 post call afternoons). THey leave super early tomorrow but I guess since I have to get up early for a 7:30 operation anyway, I can handle getting up at 4 am for a brief moment to say goodbye.
bergy comes next month so that will be fun. We can explore portland on the rare day we both have off at the same time. It will be nice if she ends up here for residency since she also kind of got tired of the late night bar scene towards the end of med school.
Oh and finally got to intubate a couple of people. It was on my oncall night this week. They both had no teeth so no worries about breaking teeth and were both surgery patients so there was no "life or death" anxiety. I amazingly wasn't very shakey either.
Tomorrow mom and dad head home - it was a quick visit but at least I got to see them and hang out for a couple of afternoons (2 post call afternoons). THey leave super early tomorrow but I guess since I have to get up early for a 7:30 operation anyway, I can handle getting up at 4 am for a brief moment to say goodbye.
bergy comes next month so that will be fun. We can explore portland on the rare day we both have off at the same time. It will be nice if she ends up here for residency since she also kind of got tired of the late night bar scene towards the end of med school.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Well, now I'm on my surgery rotation. And I think I have PTSD from doing general surgery with Jaffe as a med student. Anyway, I get all nervous about messing up when suturing and so I go pretty slow at it. I mean, really, the last time I sutured anything was in november of last year! And the surgeon I'm with has done this for years so I suppose I shouldn't be too concerned at how fast he can do the same task. And I have memories of interns going just as slowly as I do so I suppose I'm still on the right pace. Okay, time for breakfast then off to surgery clinic. Didactics this afternoon so hopefully that will be interesting.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Well, costco has the 88 key digital piano that I want. It costs $540 which mom was shocked at cause she thought it would only be $100 or $200 I guess but that price is VERY cheap since similar products that I had researched easily cost $1000 and that often doesn't include the bench, stand for the piano, pedal, etc. It's a steal. Well, I guess I need to save up since I'll probably be paying for at least half since I was promised this piano for christmas but the price was unexpected by mom.
My internal medicine month is coming to a close. Tomorrow I have to call the surgeon I'll be working with to find out the schedule. I'm hoping that weekends are off but we'll see.
time to eat then study a bit.
My internal medicine month is coming to a close. Tomorrow I have to call the surgeon I'll be working with to find out the schedule. I'm hoping that weekends are off but we'll see.
time to eat then study a bit.
Monday, September 19, 2005
it's a boy!
Renae is having a boy! She is supposed to deliver at the hospital where my fellow interns and I do our OB rotation so I guess I'll have to butter up the nurses so that they'll be super nice to her when she freaks out during her delivery in february...cause renae does not deal with blood very well. Though I suppose the excitement of the delivery will perhaps distract her from the amount of blood and other fluids that come out with the baby (sorry for description dad). I'm hungry.
Friday, September 16, 2005
what's up
I did my first death pronouncement yesterday. It was a DNR/DNI situation so there was no code that preceeded the event. Just me and our team's excellent sub-I (4th year med student). We went and looked at pupils, listened for a heart beat for a minute, looked for signs of spontaneous respirations for a minute, then wrote down a time. Doesn't seem like much of a way to state the death of a person who may have had such an incredible life experience. Formalities I guess.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Apple - PowerBook G4
I wish I could spend money without worry. If so, I would buy a new ipod nano just cause it would be handy to have music with me at work when all I'm doing is writing my progress notes...without having the larger ipod i have now. I would also buy a new powerbook g4. I don't know why I torture myself like this. I look at it online and I swear I start salivating over the thought of a new computer. Oh and I would probably buy a desktop computer know, just cause I have the money to spend. Oh and I would buy a new car too. just cause. Not to mention a digital piano...a real piano would be nice but there's no space and um, it would be pretty difficult to get a regular piano up the stairs into my home. must be nice to be stinkin rich. must be nice to be stinkin rich.
Monday, September 05, 2005
I think someone actually put a spam post on the comment section for my previous post about spamming my comments section. huh? did you follow that? Argh!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Spamming my comments?
I seem to be getting spam on my comments section for my blog! What the hell! If you're going to spam my comments, don't bother commenting. I plan on reporting this to the blogger admin folks and then also deleting them promptly from my blog. Losers... go promote your crap elsewhere
In other news, I survived overnight call. Yea!
Nap time.
In other news, I survived overnight call. Yea!
Nap time.
Friday, September 02, 2005
interesting email
Well, I guess I must still have my epocrates registration address as new orleans since I just got an email from the company hoping that I was safe and that since I may be dealing with medical issues that are rare and so I have a code to get 3 months free of epocrates essentials. I, of course, no longer am in new orleans and thus have no need for the code. I'll probably see if any of my buddies down in the trenches in louisiana don't have epocrates. I actually already have the program since I paid for it using my tulane coupon. Anyway, tomorrow is my overnight call shift and I don't need to be in there until 10 am. Not bad. I wonder how sunday will work since there's nothing specific on the schedule in terms of being on call or anything like that.
More good news
I just got an email from Bergy and she had evacuated prior to the storm with her boyfriend and their dog, Monkey. Their cat is still in NOLA with their stuff but she's not sure if the place is still there since the levee broke. Kind of a theme I guess. I got a link to a yahoo group for Tulane folks and found out that of my friends who were in the code gray situation (stayed in NOLA cause they had to work at the various hospitals), all are still doing well. They finally evacuated University Hospital. Well, Bergy will be visiting later in the year to do a rotation in Portland so it will be nice to see her then.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
oh nooooo!
So my computer is showing signs of deterioration. As you know, it's first injury was earlier this year with a separation of the screen from the casing. And now, one of the USB ports is dead. So I can either just use the one port (annoying), buy a 4 hub usb thingy (bandaid), or buy a new computer. Now, financially, the hub is my best option as a new computer probably isn't a viable option right now. What a sad moment.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I just got an email from one of my med school friends. She and her husband flew out of NOLA on one of the last flights to texas. She's not too hopeful for the house and all her stuff since the levees broke. The phone lines are busy so my calls to those with cell phones have been unsuccessful. I guess email may be the only option for now.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Days quickly passing by
Well, the days of my easy rotation are quickly coming to an end. Tonight I'm going to have dinner with gramps. Prolly the olive garden since he likes eggplant parmesan.
New Orleans missed the big hit this time around. There still was pretty bad damage but it could have been worse. I'm going to try to call some of my friends down there today.
There's now a flash flood warning here.
New Orleans missed the big hit this time around. There still was pretty bad damage but it could have been worse. I'm going to try to call some of my friends down there today.
There's now a flash flood warning here.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
oh one more thing
Did I forget to mention that in a few short hours the city of new orleans will cease to exist? The category 5 hurricane katrina appears to be heading straight for my former home. Good thing we sold the condo in july! Hopefully my friends back there are okay and safe. I wonder if they were allowed to leave now that they're residents and not just nonessential med students. Though one could argue the point of having interns there when we, as a whole, know less than our more experienced upper levels and attendings.
Relaxing weekend
I had a nice weekend. Saturday I watched tv and the little league us champ game since hawaii was playing. Those are some big 12 year olds! And then I read a little and finished up my cross stitch project. On Sunday I watched the Little League World Champ game since hawaii was playing and that one was a bit nerve wracking since I wanted the hawaii kids to win. One of those kids was abit worked up and seemed kind of scary with his glare he was shooting at the opposing team's players. Yikes! Hawaii won in the end though so that's great. Then Chris and I went to a nickel arcade to play this dance dance revolution game from japan. I wasn't too great at that one since it was going kind of fast. Then there was a similar game where all you had to do was use your hands with the same idea. I did slightly better at that until the skill level was bumped up. Then some skee ball cause I love that game and dinner at a japanese restaurant. It was okay food. Lots of onions in my dish. Now to wash up and do some reading. My easy month is wrapping up and so it will be back to harsh hours for me. It's supposed to start raining this week which means I won't have to worry about watering very much.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
oh well...
So due to a scheduling snafoo, I'm no longer the star of "difficult patient interactions." Oh actually opens up my day for other things to get done. And hey, Melinda said I'll have a role in her little project. Time for dinner.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Ho hum
Well, I'm up late cause I had to work on my clinic notes and there was a dinner for the OHSU med students interested in our residency program. And yours truly had to speak in front of all in attendance. I had to talk about my background and why I chose the program. I was appropriately freaked during the entire process. Oh and for more performance anxiety jitters, I get to have the starring role in the short documentary: Dealing with difficult patients - the drug seeking patient. And it's a real patient interaction that will be videotaped and then shown at a conference in chicago in the fall. Why me?!? Anywho, I need to get some rest.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I'm back!

Well, my vacation officially ended yesterday and to celebrate, I bought a new bicycle. It's blue...and so is my helmet. I also bought a new heavy duty bike lock and a fun seat cover to reduce bruised bums syndrome - the result of riding a bike after a long period of not riding one. Before I can ride at night, I have to get a head and tail light. I think I'll look at fred meyer or somewhere cheaper than that store. Well, I think I'll eat some lunch, mow the lawn, and then ride around my neighborhood for awhile.
Friday, August 12, 2005
I just realized that my share of the class action suit against apple ($50 bucks) still hasn't arrived. I wonder if apple's website has a way to track this. Apple now has a new mouse and since there isn't anything else I want from there right now (aside from a new computer) and I can't use it to buy itunes music, I thought I'd buy the new mouse.
In other news, the injection site from my vaccination really hurts and there's a bruise that hurts when I touch it. I know, I know, then don't touch it. I'm sure you care that I have pain and will wait and hold a candle light vigil for the day when the pain and bruise are gone, so I'll be sure to give updates. Or maybe not. Back to packing. I took a break to learn some medical spanish. And in the time I spent changing the location of the sprinkler and typing this, I really don't remember any of it except something about Toquese el logar or something like that. And estomago mean stomach...or something to that effect. a qui means here. abra la boca is open your mouth. Yep, still need the translator for my spanish speaking patients. One of my new patients told me I needed to learn spanish...I could say that she needed to learn english too...but I didn't. I did have a patient tell me that she really liked me and thought I was very nice and helpful. Fooled them all!!! and now I'm rambling.
In other news, the injection site from my vaccination really hurts and there's a bruise that hurts when I touch it. I know, I know, then don't touch it. I'm sure you care that I have pain and will wait and hold a candle light vigil for the day when the pain and bruise are gone, so I'll be sure to give updates. Or maybe not. Back to packing. I took a break to learn some medical spanish. And in the time I spent changing the location of the sprinkler and typing this, I really don't remember any of it except something about Toquese el logar or something like that. And estomago mean stomach...or something to that effect. a qui means here. abra la boca is open your mouth. Yep, still need the translator for my spanish speaking patients. One of my new patients told me I needed to learn spanish...I could say that she needed to learn english too...but I didn't. I did have a patient tell me that she really liked me and thought I was very nice and helpful. Fooled them all!!! and now I'm rambling.
Today I started my vacation. Okay technically it starts tomorrow but today I was post call with nothing on my schedule so I decided that today I could put my brain on vacation. I had my physical exam today with my new doctor. She seemed nice enough and she's young so she's no where near retirement age. Apparently I had a 1/6 systolic ejection murmur today but i couldn't hear anything but my usual split heart sound when I got home. I got my second hep A shot which was an interesting ordeal. They told me I had to go to the hospital pharmacy to buy it cause they don't have any adult hep A vaccines in the office and then to come back and a nurse would poke me. So I get back and apparently this info hadn't been shared with anyone there and I specifically told the secretary that I was back to get my Hep A vaccine injected as I had the vaccine in my possession. Somehow this simple statement was forgotten and I hear her tell the nurse that I was back for "something to be given to me." For crying out loud, I'm sitting right there and I made the point of my presence quite clear. Anyway, they figured it out eventually (god forbid you just ask me rather than have a confusing dialogue about me while you stare at me). And now I've been chilling out. So I thought I'd better pack my junk up now rather than rush tonight and forget something.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Sick and Twisted
For all those interested, there will be a Rodeo hosted by a smokeless tobacco company and all proceeds are to benefit a cancer fund organization. Am I the only one who sees the sick and twisted nature of this event? Hmmm...I guess that company can never say they didn't help pay for the disease they promote.
Stupid instructions
So they're paving my road today and since I had time to come home for lunch, I was prompted by 4 different flaggers to go slow and watch out for the workers. Fine. Despite the fact that I can see these people quite easily, I suppose the prompt is warranted. But to be told to watch out for the roller, a piece of equipment 5 times the size of my car, how retarded is that?!? Like I plan on driving full speed towards something that would total my car? Oh and what made the instruction even more ridiculous is the fact that the stupid thing was immediately in front of my car. If it was obstructed from view, then the info would have been useful. Do I look like someone who would purposely drive fast at people working on the roadside or at large road equipment? Apparently so. I don't understand the need for multiple flaggers who make me stop at every point just to tell me to keep driving slowly. I told the first one that I lived at the top of the hill. What part of that message was misunderstood? She told the others that I was going to the top yet at every stop, I needed to tell them this info. What fun will it be when I drive back down the hill. Well, gotta eat since this will probably eat up time to get off my road.
Monday, August 08, 2005
fun day
Today Chris and I hung out. It's been awhile since we did anything because I've been working or sleeping but since my call last night was easy, I had enough rest to do stuff. We went out to lunch at a thai place right by my clinic and then went to world market so I could show him the clock with the japanese numbers instead of arabic. Oh and I saw the place he's living in. It's actually pretty big. He refused to play his cello for me but we discovered that my violin books are the same pieces for the cello so we decided to try and do a duet. I pity the neighbors since we both aren't that great (self evals are always critical but probably correct) but we decided to ignore their ear pains and will try to play together later. Don't worry, we're too embarrassed to play for family. I unfortunately discovered that I missed the coupon period for the HP all-in-one printer/fax/scanner at costco. The sale ended yesterday and they wouldn't accept the day old coupon. bastards. They said it's cause the money is from hp and not costco. Oh well...I guess I'll just wait until christmas or later. Maybe something better will come out by then. Of course, mom promised me my digital piano for christmas or whenever costco gets it in stock again. I could order it online but I suppose I can wait. The guy who turned down my plea to take the coupon (got it from uncle george and aunty pam's house) said they should get some in the fall.
Chris gave me the harry potter book 7 for my birthday (he bought it at costco today) and then I also bought more dvds. They had The Parent Trap. And, the most exciting find, was the Bad News Bears movies. It's the 3 old ones (as opposed to the new release) for only $15. I mean, come on, how can you argue against that purchase?!? Only problem is that I have now run out of space on my DVD rack so I think I need to go buy the 175 dvd rack at fred meyer's I saw the other day. It's on sale for $35. Or maybe I'll check online. Chris was embarassed to be around me and my dvd choices. He instead held the harry potter book and his Freakonomics book. Actually, I'm going to read that one after he finishes it. It sounds kind of interesting and funny in a weird sort of way.
The timer for watering my lawn went off so I have to move the sprinkler. I promised mom I'd try to keep the grass alive.
Oh and I bought supplies to wash my car tomorrow.
Chris gave me the harry potter book 7 for my birthday (he bought it at costco today) and then I also bought more dvds. They had The Parent Trap. And, the most exciting find, was the Bad News Bears movies. It's the 3 old ones (as opposed to the new release) for only $15. I mean, come on, how can you argue against that purchase?!? Only problem is that I have now run out of space on my DVD rack so I think I need to go buy the 175 dvd rack at fred meyer's I saw the other day. It's on sale for $35. Or maybe I'll check online. Chris was embarassed to be around me and my dvd choices. He instead held the harry potter book and his Freakonomics book. Actually, I'm going to read that one after he finishes it. It sounds kind of interesting and funny in a weird sort of way.
The timer for watering my lawn went off so I have to move the sprinkler. I promised mom I'd try to keep the grass alive.
Oh and I bought supplies to wash my car tomorrow.
Friday, August 05, 2005
ho hum
Well, I did my first night of call at prov milwaukie. It felt busier than up at Doernbecher but I think that's only because I was also trying to do my clinic notes in between the 3 admits. I went to bed at 3 am, was paged at 4:30, and then woke up at 6:30 though I probably could have slept until 6:45 since I guess we don't do intern-intern and senior-senior sign-out. Not like it mattered since I had to stay until 8:30 for a meeting with the PR person to learn about health literacy and rewriting a handout for patients. Thankfully it only lasted 30 minutes cause I was really tired.
Sundowning is an interesting thing. The first patient we had either was at baseline for dementia or was sundowning on top of it. Anyway, when I asked if she hit her head when she fell, she said she didn't remember but that she wish she did. When I asked her why, she replied, "so I wouldn't have to keep answering all these dumb questions." Point taken. It made me laugh inside though.
time to eat.
Sundowning is an interesting thing. The first patient we had either was at baseline for dementia or was sundowning on top of it. Anyway, when I asked if she hit her head when she fell, she said she didn't remember but that she wish she did. When I asked her why, she replied, "so I wouldn't have to keep answering all these dumb questions." Point taken. It made me laugh inside though.
time to eat.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
1 down, 11 to go
Well, my pediatric rotation is over and done with. Now I'm on my easy rotation - COPC. Well, maybe easier is a better way to put it. I also will have my first week of vacation in august. It will be nice to go home and see everybody. I'll also get to see Melissa's new place. In other news, there's one resident I will work with who kind of annoys me. Perhaps it's her lack of tact but when she makes "suggestions" she comes across as if she herself were one of the attendings. It's almost like she talks down to us (the interns). Anyway, I've got a few moments of relaxation before I meet with a nun about community needs assessment.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
what's up folks?!?
Can I just say that I'm very disappointed in the few of you who read my blog? Only Pammie has made an entry into my guestbook (link on the bottom's the first link). Anyway, clearly I'm procrastinating the bill paying.
one last day
Well, I have one last day for my peds rotation on the hill, unfortunately it's more like a day and a half since I'm on call. And since a patient is being discharged, I may have to stay longer than I should to get that done. Or maybe I'll just have my classmate do it for me since I already wrote out the prescriptions and filled out the cover sheet. I mean, if I have to wait until 11 to do it, I just don't think I should have to stay that long since my new rotation officially starts at 8 am on the 1st. I'll talk to christina about it.
Today is bill paying day. I have to make the first mortgage payment on the house and yesterday the condo sold. Unfortunately we won't be getting as much money as we had envisioned since we have to pay realtor fees and now lawyer fees for the power of attorney. Lame. But I'm glad to have it sold.
Today is bill paying day. I have to make the first mortgage payment on the house and yesterday the condo sold. Unfortunately we won't be getting as much money as we had envisioned since we have to pay realtor fees and now lawyer fees for the power of attorney. Lame. But I'm glad to have it sold.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Big Screen TV
I almost forgot! Uncle Chuck is taking me to get my big screen tv. A whopping 27 incher! But hey, considering I've been in 13 inch land for the past 8 years, that's a big change!
peer pressure
Well, today I had 2 no shows in clinic. I guess my healing powers are so great that I don't even need patients to show up to cure them. Okay, maybe not. Anyway, I did get to do a procedure because of my lack of patients. Nothing too exciting but putting on a gutter splint onto a person's busted pinkie. She didn't help matters by moving her hand in the exact opposite direction we told her to. And then the confusion with how to start the wrap. I guess for comfort it matters but if she can take it off and reapply it, does it really matter? I mean, I doubt she'll apply it the correct way all the time.
And now I'm succumbing to peer pressure. Robin told me to put comments so she could respond to my random mutterings and so I did. Okay, it didn't take much pressure but 1 email with her request.
Melissa is buying a place so I'll get to see it when I'm home in august.
I think that's all for now.
And now I'm succumbing to peer pressure. Robin told me to put comments so she could respond to my random mutterings and so I did. Okay, it didn't take much pressure but 1 email with her request.
Melissa is buying a place so I'll get to see it when I'm home in august.
I think that's all for now.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Crazy Call
Well, today I participated in my first code. I felt quite useless actually and like I was watching while the PICU team did most of the work (which was nice). However, I was told that I participated more than expected by my senior resident on call with me. It made the morning feel crazy but things still got done with the other kids. After that, I could care less about the nit picky critique from the kaiser attending about exact diagnosis of the eating disorder kids...and actually, on weekend rounds, the cross cover folks could care less too since all that matters is what issues may come up and what needs to be done. Also, I was little annoyed when I tried to give the social background on a new kid. All I started off saying was that he moved to cal and was about to say he came back and was in a certain situation and got cut off. I felt like that info was important when learning about the emotional state of the kid but I guess that doesn't matter on weekend rounds either. For as much as they say it's important not to gloss over details on peds patients, they certainly don't seem to follow some of that on weekends. Anyway, only 2 more call nights to go. Wednesday and sunday. I'm not sure if I have call with misty again or if it will be a new person since the seniors will be switching out sometime this week to new rotations. Almost an entire month has gone by and I still feel like I just started out.
Tomorrow I present for morning report. God help me.
Tomorrow I present for morning report. God help me.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me!
It's my birthday today! I'm now 28. Yikes I'm getting old. My senior resident got me a frappocino at the starbucks in the hospital. And then tonight, mom, aunty debby, uncle chuck, renae, uncle frank, and aunty laura and I had dinner here at the house. It was fun and relaxing. I had some mint chocolate chip ice cream pie, as usual. What can I say, I love the stuff. So now I'm old and tomorrow i get to spend the day at the hospital and then lucky me I get to spend the night too. Being on call isn't too bad, even when we have tons of patients beind admitted all at once. Otay, bed time. sad.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
What Fun!
Last night call was pretty easy. Misty has decided that since the 2 call nights we were on together were easy, I'm the only one allowed to take call with her while she's the night float. Hmmmm...Q1 call doesn't sound very appealing. But then again, 4 nights of easy call vs 4 of hard call could be acceptable! Anywho, I need to prepare for my morning report presentation. I have 3 more nights of call on this peds service.
Today is my last day being 27. Tomorrow I'm officially getting old at 28. Sheesh! I'm getting up there!
Today is my last day being 27. Tomorrow I'm officially getting old at 28. Sheesh! I'm getting up there!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
So today was hectic. Part of reason why I have to rush before leaving for clinic, didactics, or if I'm post call is because rounds take forever! Today the other intern was at clinic which is fine cause my senior saw his patients. But my god, someone randomly assigned almost 75% of the patients to me for some unknown reason. Thankfully the med students saw a bunch of them and wrote notes but I still had to see them and then answer nurse pages about these kids that I had no clue about so I had to first read about them which is reasonable. But then I get a page about an order I didn't write about blood for one kid and so I told the nurse to page the guy who wrote the order. I mean, come on, his pager number is right there. Why is this a difficult concept to grasp? Page the person who wrote the order. Anyway, so it takes forever to round because we have to have teaching points for every patient because we are learning afterall but sometimes I think it's okay to neglect this aspect of rounding in the interest of time and work that needs to be accomplished. I left much later than I should have but thankfully I didn't have a patient at 1 pm in clinic so I could eat lunch. It was almost a blessing that I had clinic so I could get out of there and breathe a little. Then I scared the other intern into thinking she was the only resident for all the kids when I told her I needed to sign out to her because the other intern, my teammate wasn't there. He was arriving in the afternoon after his AM clinic but his pager was off so I couldn't sign out to him. Hopefully tomorrow won't be as hectic but I'm not holding my breath.
All attempts to try and convince my attending that maybe, just maybe, one of my FTT kids may not be FTT failed. She cited the normal height as her evidence while I cited at least 5 different things in support of my claim and yet her 1 was enough to convince the masses. It wasn't worth my time and energy, what little I had at the moment, to fight it. Meanwhile, the kid has had the million dollar workup and all was negative. I read an article tonight that said such testing is useless because most of the time the tests are negative. Meanwhile, we're now on a zebra hunt to find a cause which most likely will never be identified.
All attempts to try and convince my attending that maybe, just maybe, one of my FTT kids may not be FTT failed. She cited the normal height as her evidence while I cited at least 5 different things in support of my claim and yet her 1 was enough to convince the masses. It wasn't worth my time and energy, what little I had at the moment, to fight it. Meanwhile, the kid has had the million dollar workup and all was negative. I read an article tonight that said such testing is useless because most of the time the tests are negative. Meanwhile, we're now on a zebra hunt to find a cause which most likely will never be identified.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I'm a retard
Okay, so I found my secure ID token and where it was, well, let's just say I should have found it in one of many ransacks of the house and hospital. Now I need to hope they can cancel the killing of the token on monday.
In other news, 4th night of call was just as bad as the second in terms of when I finally slept and for how long. It could have been worse but thankfully we had a 2nd year OHSU resident acting as an intern with Neil and I and the now very tired 3rd year students. This allowed each of us to sleep about 3 hours in the wee morning hours before getting started with the day. Now I'm tired and hungry since i've been doing computer work for clinic and trying to email the folks who were trying to help with the lost token last week. I'll eat then nap...or maybe just wake up on sunday.
In other news, 4th night of call was just as bad as the second in terms of when I finally slept and for how long. It could have been worse but thankfully we had a 2nd year OHSU resident acting as an intern with Neil and I and the now very tired 3rd year students. This allowed each of us to sleep about 3 hours in the wee morning hours before getting started with the day. Now I'm tired and hungry since i've been doing computer work for clinic and trying to email the folks who were trying to help with the lost token last week. I'll eat then nap...or maybe just wake up on sunday.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
yet another day
Well, 3rd night of call was a breeze compared to the last one. No new admits and I got to actually sleep almost 6 hours! Crazy! Must have been my treat for enduring that 2nd call experience. However now I have horrible heartburn. Either it was the dill pickle chips mom bought, the mustard pretzels, or the stress of possibly losing my secure ID tag that will cost me $50 to replace. I'm hoping it's sitting at the hospital in the workroom or call room or that mom picked it up for some reason and put it only god knows where. She wasn't home when I got back from the hospital so I wait worrying. And I can't check my logician desktop until I find it or until tomorrow when I get to the hospital for didactics in the afternoon. I don't remember taking it out at all on monday or today at the hospital and the last time I had it was at home at my desk on sunday. Maybe she thought of bringing it to me and put it in her purse...who knows.
time to put my paycheck in the bank. Next week is my normal paycheck so we'll see what I'll have to live on for the rest of the year. Fortunately I have money from my sallie mae to pay property taxes and money to pay the mortgage for august but these bills are getting annoying.
time to put my paycheck in the bank. Next week is my normal paycheck so we'll see what I'll have to live on for the rest of the year. Fortunately I have money from my sallie mae to pay property taxes and money to pay the mortgage for august but these bills are getting annoying.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Payton Hanae Kawahara
Payton Hanae Kawahara
Payton finally has new pictures. She's so cute. I wish I could see her and play with her every day btu I guess I'll have to wait for my one week in august.
In other news my second night of call was brutal. I didn't get to sleep until 3:30 am and then an hour later I got called because a kid had a fever. Then I went back to sleep at 4:30 and woke up at 6:30 to round on the kids. Mom and I spent my Golden Weekend at the beach house. We went to lincoln city and did some shopping at the outlet malls. I found a bunch of good stuff including a new lunch box and overnight sack so I don't have to lug my big green overnight bag. I really only need a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and a new shirt. It's pretty neato
the condo finally has a buyer. We aren't getting as much as we had hoped but it's better than nothing I suppose. Time to eat.
Payton finally has new pictures. She's so cute. I wish I could see her and play with her every day btu I guess I'll have to wait for my one week in august.
In other news my second night of call was brutal. I didn't get to sleep until 3:30 am and then an hour later I got called because a kid had a fever. Then I went back to sleep at 4:30 and woke up at 6:30 to round on the kids. Mom and I spent my Golden Weekend at the beach house. We went to lincoln city and did some shopping at the outlet malls. I found a bunch of good stuff including a new lunch box and overnight sack so I don't have to lug my big green overnight bag. I really only need a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and a new shirt. It's pretty neato
the condo finally has a buyer. We aren't getting as much as we had hoped but it's better than nothing I suppose. Time to eat.
Monday, July 04, 2005
first night of call
Well, I managed to survive my first night of call without difficulty. It was relatively slow (only 4 admits) but that didn't stop the nurse from calling me every 2 hours about a patient. Why she insisted on checking vitals and blood sugars that frequently is beyond me but oh well...I still probably got more sleep than most of my fellow interns. I realized that no longer am I required to ask all the review of systems or family history questions like in med school but then again, I have to ask all these developmental questions...which would be fine if I could remember those major milestones. Happy 4th of July!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Day 1
Well, I made it through day 1 unscathed. Actually, it wasn't too bad but then again, I was in a computer class and then getting my id for part of the day. But my chief resident is a graduate of Tulane so that was a fun conversation we had about our similar experiences with certain attendings and residents. One of her friends was my resident on OB. I think my brain was stolen or scrambled when passing through the SW of the U.S. I felt so sluggish mentally I was embarassed. But then again, it gets forgiven as an intern thing. My fellow interns of the OHSU peds program started on monday so they had time to get used to the stuff. I had today and then tomorrow is a day off and then sunday I'm on call. So I'll go from taking care of 3 patient notes in the morning to about 20 or so...depending on what happens between today and sunday morning. Hopefully the holiday will scare people into being healthy to enjoy the day outside. At any rate, the kids were all cute and talked to me.
Time to get ready for tonight - hanging out with Carrie. Hopefully Erin will meet us too.
Time to get ready for tonight - hanging out with Carrie. Hopefully Erin will meet us too.
Thursday, June 30, 2005
So because the stupid bed store uses a computer to verify checks, I couldn't buy my bed today because I used my hawaii credit union check and my oregon license. Apparently the addresses have to match. Of course, if it weren't for the shitheads (see below) who stole my credit card info, i wouldn't have this problem at all. I hope by now they bought an expensive car and crashed and are now paraplegic. Okay, that's mean, but they deserve pain for the pain they've caused me.
On to other annoyances. So I called the OHSU peds coordinator this morning and left a message at 7 am and they don't call back until 5 pm and really don't provide very useful info. To top it off, the person decides not to go away from people screaming at a graduation party while talking to me so I can barely hear her over what really sounds like one or two people yelling. And then she tells me that despite the parking confusion between the 2 programs, she's only authorizing me to park for tomorrow in the special lot. For shit's sake, can't she tell the parking folks to give me a temp pass for a few days?!? So I'll try to charm my way tomorrow into getting the security folks to let me park somewhere until wednesday when i get to return to home base. Plus I'm extra moody due to the usual pms stuff and anxiety over starting this crazy game called residency. Hopefully I'll have a great team to work with up there.
On to other annoyances. So I called the OHSU peds coordinator this morning and left a message at 7 am and they don't call back until 5 pm and really don't provide very useful info. To top it off, the person decides not to go away from people screaming at a graduation party while talking to me so I can barely hear her over what really sounds like one or two people yelling. And then she tells me that despite the parking confusion between the 2 programs, she's only authorizing me to park for tomorrow in the special lot. For shit's sake, can't she tell the parking folks to give me a temp pass for a few days?!? So I'll try to charm my way tomorrow into getting the security folks to let me park somewhere until wednesday when i get to return to home base. Plus I'm extra moody due to the usual pms stuff and anxiety over starting this crazy game called residency. Hopefully I'll have a great team to work with up there.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Dragon Boat
Today our residency had an adventure on the Willamette River - Dragon Boats! It was lots of fun. I wish we could have stayed out longer on the boats. We split into 2 teams on different boats and practiced different techniques and then raced each other - my team won. Then we were done. I wish we could have just hung out on the river and went up and down slowly. The race was pretty fast and by the time we won, my arms were dead. They still sort of hurt and will probably hurt in the morning because I have no upper body strength and my legs were too short in that boat to use that strength. I kept getting out of sync with the stroke when my arms would get tired. I guess Providence has 2 teams that any employee can join. If I had way more time, perhaps I would consider it. Anyway, one last day of easy orientation and then I start my first rotation - Pediatrics up at Doernbecker Children's Hospital on the Hill. Time to eat.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The Jackasses who stole all that credit card info stole mine too. Thankfully the visa folks decided, after trying to call or mail letters for awhile (retards), that they would just inactivate all accounts...well, I wasn't called and was told by the office max folks that my card, the one in my hand that matched my id, was reported lost or stolen. I guess I stole it from myself. Anyway, I called in and the lady there filled me in. I personally would have preferred it if they cut off the card immediately but then I wouldn't have been able to buy my desk or picture frames so that would have sucked. So now I have to wait a week or so before I get a new card. The shitheads who did this now have one of my very mean death know, the ones where I wish horrible pain and suffering with the preservation of mental function so they're with it to know what horrible things are happening to them. I haven't chosen a specific illness yet but I'll find some good ones on uptodate once I start on friday at the hospital.
So that means I have to wait to buy the new bed. Or I could just write a check using the sallie mae money that I was saving to pay property taxes this year. Beds are on sale now and I have to choose between 2 different beds that are $4 different in price. But this is better than massive credit card issues I could have had. I'm only mad at the jerks who ruin life for the rest of us. People that like don't deserve to live. Okay I think I've vented enough for now. And I knew my credit card number by heart! Time to put together my chair...gotta write a check to mom since she had to pay for it since my credit card was cancelled.
So that means I have to wait to buy the new bed. Or I could just write a check using the sallie mae money that I was saving to pay property taxes this year. Beds are on sale now and I have to choose between 2 different beds that are $4 different in price. But this is better than massive credit card issues I could have had. I'm only mad at the jerks who ruin life for the rest of us. People that like don't deserve to live. Okay I think I've vented enough for now. And I knew my credit card number by heart! Time to put together my chair...gotta write a check to mom since she had to pay for it since my credit card was cancelled.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Well, I got some frames for my pictures and other decorations and tomorrow maybe I'll go order a new bed for myself so mom can have a bed of her own to sleep in before my crazy schedule starts. I'm STILL waiting for the claims process to be finished. I gave up waiting for the desk and just bought the desk I wanted since it was on sale. Even if they don't give me the money for the busted desk, it was worth it. Today I had the tiring process of trying to find a chair for the desk. I thought I found a good one at office max since they have their brown bag sale. The little slip to pick up the damn chair fit in the bag but it wasn't included in the sale since the box for the chair itself won't fit in the bag. Then we went to a whole bunch of other stores and found nothing great. They're all overpriced or crappy. Ugh.
I'm going to bed since I actually have to be somewhere further away tomorrow - computer training in tigard for the EMR. Actually, that should be fun since after that class I can go and create my own templates and create files with the handouts I like the best. It should be fun. Nighty night
I'm going to bed since I actually have to be somewhere further away tomorrow - computer training in tigard for the EMR. Actually, that should be fun since after that class I can go and create my own templates and create files with the handouts I like the best. It should be fun. Nighty night
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Well, since I got some money from sallie mae, I was able to go out and continue to furnish my home. Next up is a bed for the guest room. Still waiting on the repair guy who is supposed to come check out the furniture that was messed up from the move. I decided to just buy the desk I wanted since I'm tired of waiting (it's been a week). Hopefully they'll come by this week and decide that my futon can't be fixed and give me the $250 so I can get the new one. As soon as I get a large vehicle (carly may be able to help) I can pick up the bookshelf from home depot and the tv from costco. I'm tired of putting together furniture but I want it all done before I start on the 1st. I hate all the clutter.
Yesterday was fun. We had a get together at Oaks Park so staff of the clinics and residency could meet us newbies. Then we rode the rides. Okay, so I went down the super slide and rode the spider ride once and was done but there really wasn't anything else I was willing to ride. They had a version of the viking ship ride that also spun around while up in the air and well, there's no way I'm ever stepping foot on that ride. The spider ride was bad enough. I had to ride it with my eyes closed otherwise it would have freaked me out too much. Every time I opened my eyes, Julius had his camera aimed at me. Great.
Today went by quickly and tomorrow we're taking grampa to a birthday party for a friend from the old neighborhood. I hope we don't have to stay too long. There's still stuff to get done.
Yesterday was fun. We had a get together at Oaks Park so staff of the clinics and residency could meet us newbies. Then we rode the rides. Okay, so I went down the super slide and rode the spider ride once and was done but there really wasn't anything else I was willing to ride. They had a version of the viking ship ride that also spun around while up in the air and well, there's no way I'm ever stepping foot on that ride. The spider ride was bad enough. I had to ride it with my eyes closed otherwise it would have freaked me out too much. Every time I opened my eyes, Julius had his camera aimed at me. Great.
Today went by quickly and tomorrow we're taking grampa to a birthday party for a friend from the old neighborhood. I hope we don't have to stay too long. There's still stuff to get done.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I passed!
I passed my ACLS training today. It was a bit overwhelming but once we did pretend codes over and over and over again, it became now if I encounter unstable tachycardia I'm set...otherwise, take your attempt to die elsewhere.
I'm still waiting to find out if I passed the clinical skills exam. It's not even posted as reported at the nbme site and I can't take step 3 until I pass that test. I'm not sure if I can register for step 3 without it either.
Time to go online shopping at compusa to see what my gift card will buy. Maybe they have tv's and then it will be the delivery man's job to get my tv up the stairs. The thought of carrying that thing up the stairs is scary. Mom and I can lift it together but going upstairs is a whole other issue.
I guess I'll get ready to hang out with Carrie. I haven't seen her since we graduated from U of O 5 years ago.
I'm still waiting to find out if I passed the clinical skills exam. It's not even posted as reported at the nbme site and I can't take step 3 until I pass that test. I'm not sure if I can register for step 3 without it either.
Time to go online shopping at compusa to see what my gift card will buy. Maybe they have tv's and then it will be the delivery man's job to get my tv up the stairs. The thought of carrying that thing up the stairs is scary. Mom and I can lift it together but going upstairs is a whole other issue.
I guess I'll get ready to hang out with Carrie. I haven't seen her since we graduated from U of O 5 years ago.
Well, today is ACLS and I sure hope that they teach us all those things in the book that I read last night since I forgot all those algorithms in my sleep. I also got my refund check from the loan company so that will help. And I'm still waiting for the moving company to send someone out to check out the damages. They called and said a local repair company is supposed to take a look but that person has yet to contact me. I sure hope that they deem my futon and desk irreparable so I can get new ones. Well, time to eat breakfast then head off to training...again.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
BBB complaint
So a few months back, I took in my old ipod and got a new iphoto ipod because the battery life on the old one sucked and some songs would occasionally be messed up. Well, the management there, when I bought the plan, misinformed me and did not give me a copy of the plan agreement and so I was met with the unfortunate case of paying $200 instead of only $100 to do the upgrade (had to pay the difference for the better model). So in a fit of rage, I did the passive aggressive move of filing a complaint at the BBB website. I had done this with Dell in the past and the problem was resolved before the BBB contacted them so that resulted in nothing. I had pretty much forgotten about the compusa complaint in the midst of all the chaos of graduation and moving but today I got a gift card for $100 from compusa since there was a "misunderstanding." Basically, i was still wrong and they were right but I'm getting rewarded for filing a complaint. I would have preferred a credit to my charge card but beggars can't be choosers. I really didn't expect anything to come out of it. I never do but in a twisted sort of way, it makes me feel better after a perceived wrong against me.
In other news, I got a copy of my business card for residency. It says my name and title on it. It's awesome. Time to eat then read up for a fun filled day of ACLS tomorrow. At least I get to have fun tomorrow night with Carrie and Erin... I think. Carrie is supposed to call me about the details and whether or not we're still going out.
In other news, I got a copy of my business card for residency. It says my name and title on it. It's awesome. Time to eat then read up for a fun filled day of ACLS tomorrow. At least I get to have fun tomorrow night with Carrie and Erin... I think. Carrie is supposed to call me about the details and whether or not we're still going out.
Monday, June 20, 2005
first day over
Well, today was fun because I got to meet my fellow interns and boring because I had to sit through all these presentations. However, the very first presentation was about preparing for retirement. And we get paid for orientation too! Not that it matters since it's a set amount I get paid for the year and once I realized that, it wasn't so exciting.
I also was able to just take the one broken piece of my dresser back to get a replacement so tonight after dinner I'm building a dresser. Speaking of dinner, it's time to eat!
I also was able to just take the one broken piece of my dresser back to get a replacement so tonight after dinner I'm building a dresser. Speaking of dinner, it's time to eat!
Today is the day!
Well, true to form, my body decided not to let me sleep until the alarm was supposed to go off and woke me up at 4 am and then at 5 am and by 5:30, I felt ridiculous just lying there in bed so I got up. I just ate breakfast (eggs with turkey and cheese mixed in) and my tummy is still growling. I think I expanded my tummy with all the food my mom has been cooking these past few days. I hope I don't start passing out today during I've already been hired, I guess I can pass out occasionally. Then tonight I have to figure out how to retrieve a message on my dvr unit. Oh and then I'm going to try to convince the people at fred meyer to let me bring in my receipt, just the barcode from the dresser box and the defective piece to exchange for the good piece from a box at the store instead of lugging the whole thing down. I mean, really, I understand they need a box to send back to the distributer but can't they send back the box already at the store with the piece I bring back? It's a box isn't it?!? I really hate having my clothing in piles in my bedroom.
Maybe I better take a zone bar with me today and some fruit leather.
Maybe I better take a zone bar with me today and some fruit leather.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
I have cable and high speed internet!!! Yippeee! And for some reason, one of my emails with the orientation schedule was lost. I think I have to be there by 8 am tomorrow...
I'm pretty much moved in. I still have to get my new tv and exchange my broken dresser for a new one. Oh and then there's the claims process for the broken furniture...hmmm. I guess there's still lots to do!
I'm pretty much moved in. I still have to get my new tv and exchange my broken dresser for a new one. Oh and then there's the claims process for the broken furniture...hmmm. I guess there's still lots to do!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Only a few days...
Well, on monday I start orientation for my residency years. Tomorrow the cable and internet get activated. Free tv is really bad...although one episode of divorce court was entertaining. Still waiting to exchange my damaged dresser for a good one as well as the claims process to be finished for my damaged stuff from the move. And waiting to find out whether or not I passed the clinical skills exam. Taking quite a long time compared to the multiple choice portion of step 2. Okay, enough for now.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Moved in...almost
Well, these past few days have been hectic and tiring as my mom and I moved into my house. There's still boxes everywhere (folded up and sitting in the house) and since my futon and desk were broken by the movers, I really haven't done much in the office room. Hopefully the claim form will come today and I can fill it out and overnight it back tomorrow to try to speed the process up. What else...oh, of the 4 pieces of build it yourself furniture we bought from fred meyer, 2 were damaged, including my dresser so I still have clothes piled in my closet. Then the rice cooker and toaster oven from meyer and frank were both damaged and needed to be returned. We just have had some bad luck with this. Oh and now my squirter on my kitchen sink is messed up but my mom said it's an easy fix. But it's nice to be in my home. The first night I kept hearing all the new noises of my home and neighborhood and got freaked out by the sound of ice dropping in the ice maker- I was almost asleep and you know how loud sounds can do that to a person. Then at 4 am some ass in the area was pounding on something.
Today is outlet mall time.
Today is outlet mall time.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Well, after all the crap that has gone on this past week, I finally got the keys and can start moving in. Thursday my stuff gets delivered as well as the appliances and the couch. I guess I'll paint on friday and over the weekend. Or maybe next week. I'm tired so I'm going to watch some tv or read now.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Well, we finally signed all the paperwork. Tomorrow afternoon we get the keys to the place after the money is wired over. Kind of weird that I have to wait for keys since last week monday when we went over to see the house with dad the seller was offering them to me. Oh well...Now time to get other things done. Bleh.
still waiting
I called him at 9:15 am since my cell phone has been dropping calls in Aunty Debby's basement. The only thing I got removed was the property taxes. He also has to remove the house insurance since they can't only collect house insurance. Apparently they can separate the two but they can only collect property taxes on their own. Weird. Anyway, he's also calling the title company to get the $50 funding fee waived since he had given them instructions initially to do so. And the overnight/express delivery has nothing to do with them sending the docs over to the title company but rather the fee for the title company to send them to the bank. And the same goes for the power of attorney. He said I have to file that with the title company. And apparently they let the credit union know long ago that they needed my transcripts and that it was the CU's responsibility to relay that to me. Seems a bit BS and scapegoating but what the hell, blaming others is always easier than admitting one's mistakes. They're still both on my blacklist.
Speaking of a blacklist, I have Cracker Barrel (cause they just have bad food) and the state of California (cause they have no welcoming signs or thanks for visiting signs). Actually, I was quite impressed with the State of Texas and their new rest stops. Very nice and clean. In fact, the nicest I've seen yet! Okay, gotta go.
Speaking of a blacklist, I have Cracker Barrel (cause they just have bad food) and the state of California (cause they have no welcoming signs or thanks for visiting signs). Actually, I was quite impressed with the State of Texas and their new rest stops. Very nice and clean. In fact, the nicest I've seen yet! Okay, gotta go.
Well, after waiting out the weekend to air my grievances with the loan company, I discovered that they don't even open until 9 am! So I left a message with the guy I want to complain to and so now I wait for him to return my call. I think I'll give him 10 or 15 minutes to call then I'm calling again. Meanwhile I'm really cold...It's only 50 degrees here.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Gramma's World
Gramma's World
Here's my mom's blog...only time will tell if she keeps posting...or starts posting since I did the posts so far. It was a nice break from the retards at the bank and loan company
Here's my mom's blog...only time will tell if she keeps posting...or starts posting since I did the posts so far. It was a nice break from the retards at the bank and loan company
Planning a new attack...wanna join?
As if things weren't as bad as they were, we found out today about $6000 more reasons to attack and destroy the loan broker. Yep, $6000 in random fees and whatnot for this damn house. Okay, so $2200 is property taxes for the year and $165 is my house insurance so the overall fees are about $3500. No wonder people can't buy...of course, it could just be a company with rip off rates. Who the hell knows. I'm just tired of the whole thing. I talked with the moron Jason and missed the opportunity, at the end of the call, to say "By the way, thanks for neglecting to inform me about the need for my transcripts thus delaying the process requiring us to get power of attorney incorrectly because of the other moron we worked with. Have a nice day jackass." Mom says it's a good thing I didn't because we still have to work with him. I think I'll key his my mind i imagine him crying. Imagination is a great tool for relieving one's greivances without getting arrested. Everyone knows I'm too chicken to actually commit such acts.
I promise, eventually this site will sound happier and full of stories about being a new doctor. All I know is that from my 2 weeks in the real world, it really sucks monkey balls.
I promise, eventually this site will sound happier and full of stories about being a new doctor. All I know is that from my 2 weeks in the real world, it really sucks monkey balls.
and again
The jackass idiots at the loan company and credit union have fucked up again. The loan company didn't approve use of the power of attorney because the moron at the credit union didn't know that there were specific forms for real estate. I guess I shouldn't blame her for her lack of education on the issue but now there are more hoops to jump through thanks to her inexperience. I guess being a notary or a mortgage loan officer takes no skill but to sign your name and use a rubber stamp. They don't actually learn about different forms and whatnot. I hope they suffer. You do realize that this is all written in an attempt to make me happier and that once this is over, I don't really hope for total suffering and dismemberment of Jason and the credit union officer...only a few major painful moments should they have to go through a similar process. The most frustrating thing about this is that all of it could have been avoided if the idiots at the loan company told me back in april or early may that my transcripts were required. They gave me a huge checklist and no where on there was a request for transcripts and at no point did they try to contact me again with request for additional documents. Kind of hard to get something if you don't know they want it in the first place. Then the insurance could have been done and the paperwork ready on June 1st for dad to sign in person. Fucking Moron Jason.
Loan Story...the saga continues
Well, turns out that the loan officer at the credit union neglected to tell us that we needed to inform the loan company about our power of attorney so that they could tell the title company about it. Seems that none of these people ever deal with POA otherwise I would guess they would have been on top of it. So now I wait by the phone to find out if just bringing the document with us as well as a quick faxed letter from the loan company will suffice so that we can finally sign the damn loan papers today. I was told this yesterday at 4:30 because the lady at the title company insisted on calling my cell phone with a 503 area code instead of the 504 code clearly printed on the paper. When she finally figured that out, it was 4:30 pm. Now I wonder if the atlas van agent who has yet to return my call is doing the same retarded thing. Maybe they think I got my area code wrong? But then why don't they try the area code I give them? Maybe I should secede from this world and form my own where people are efficient, knowledgeable, can read, and use common sense.
Hey, did I tell you that it costs $20 to open a credit union account? I guess I'm "joining" the union so I pay the fee. Sheesh! I better earn some good interest on my savings least more that what I would have earned at a regular bank.
Hey, did I tell you that it costs $20 to open a credit union account? I guess I'm "joining" the union so I pay the fee. Sheesh! I better earn some good interest on my savings least more that what I would have earned at a regular bank.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
more annoyances
Ok, so add to my list of people who are annoying me this week the person at the credit union. My mom calls this morning and the loan person at the credit union tells her that the papers may be ready friday or monday but if no call from the title company comes by monday afternoon, that she should call some woman named shirley. So I tell my mom to call today to make sure this is all true and if it can be done friday. And guess isn't even the right person! THis woman has no idea who the hell we are and has no idea about our title & loan papers! This may not even be the right title company! SO who the hell knows where the loan company or credit union sent the loan papers! My real estate agent is calling the correct title company officer to see what's up. So annoying! And now I'm annoying my mom because I'm being "mean and bossy."
Lookey Lookey
As you can see, I changed things a bit. I tried finding a fun background at blogskins but they were all pretty lame or too distracting. So I settled for one made by blogger designers. Then I added some profile things and links as well as the opportunity to email me any random things...just don't spam me please or I will be forced to get a bounty out on your head. I also added a guestbook and hit you can see I have the free versions so I have to keep those bravenet ads on here. All in all, I like this new blog. Now to add the link to the old blog and inform the public of this new one...though I think only my dad and other unknown visitors read this anyway.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Retard Loan Officers
Well, the loan of my home is in limbo right now because of a retard known as Jason at the loan company. Basically, everything is messed up because he failed to tell me at any point of the process that started back in April that he would need a copy of my med school transcripts, a document that would have taken less than a day to procure. This could have been done while I was lazing away in new orleans waiting for graduation to approach. Instead, we show up at the bank yesterday and are told that they need this document to process the loan. So we do this. And then it isn't until late today that they tell us that we need to take care of house insurance paperwork. So because of this dummy's inability to inform and the general inefficiency of the whole process, who knows if we'll close when we're supposed to. I feel bad for the seller of my home who's been so great. Ugh!
Monday, May 30, 2005
OH my god! They let me graduate!!!
Welcome to the next stage of my life - Residency! If you'd like to learn about the things I experienced, thought of, and got angry about during medical school, check out the link over on the left to my med school blog. Now time to customize this baby!