The Jackasses who stole all that credit card info stole mine too. Thankfully the visa folks decided, after trying to call or mail letters for awhile (retards), that they would just inactivate all accounts...well, I wasn't called and was told by the office max folks that my card, the one in my hand that matched my id, was reported lost or stolen. I guess I stole it from myself. Anyway, I called in and the lady there filled me in. I personally would have preferred it if they cut off the card immediately but then I wouldn't have been able to buy my desk or picture frames so that would have sucked. So now I have to wait a week or so before I get a new card. The shitheads who did this now have one of my very mean death know, the ones where I wish horrible pain and suffering with the preservation of mental function so they're with it to know what horrible things are happening to them. I haven't chosen a specific illness yet but I'll find some good ones on uptodate once I start on friday at the hospital.
So that means I have to wait to buy the new bed. Or I could just write a check using the sallie mae money that I was saving to pay property taxes this year. Beds are on sale now and I have to choose between 2 different beds that are $4 different in price. But this is better than massive credit card issues I could have had. I'm only mad at the jerks who ruin life for the rest of us. People that like don't deserve to live. Okay I think I've vented enough for now. And I knew my credit card number by heart! Time to put together my chair...gotta write a check to mom since she had to pay for it since my credit card was cancelled.
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