Well, it's been a long time since I posted anything. Let's see, I turned 30 on the 22nd of July. It was uneventful and an easy transition. I went home to hawaii and spent time with friends and family. I went on a field trip with Payton's school to the Kualoa Ranch. Pretty neat place.
Otherwise it's been busy as usual with work. Mom was here for a visit and dad brought grandma for a visit. We went to the beach house and took grandma to the cheese factory. We didn't get a chance to take her to the casino though. As usual, we did go to the outlet mall and I got a cute hoodie. I think melissa has turned me into a hoodie addict so now I'm a shoe and hoodie whore.
I continued on with my healthy eating and exercising and so after getting started back in May with my new trainer, I lost 20 pounds so now I'm at my ideal body weight for my height using the fancy calculator on my epocrates program (114-115 lb). Now she's trying to get me stronger. Remember, for some insane reason my dominant side, the right side, is weaker than the other side. It's still that way but stronger on both sides. So I'm gaining some of the weight back but I can hope it's all muscle I guess. My arms look bigger I think. My stubborn belly bulge is still there but smaller. Mom thinks my face is too thin. I must say that I don't have enough insulation for the cold weather since I'm freezing cold now that the weather is getting cooler. Oddly not much rain yet but I think that starts tonight.
I have 12 patients on my OB panel with 5 due in the 1st week of december so I'll be busy but that's pretty fun work for me.
I checked out a clinic in West Linn. Pretty nice. I think I still would prefer working with Providence though so I need to talk with them about interviewing. I better email them tonight.
Well, time for dinner.