Well, it's been a long time since I posted anything. I've been pretty busy. I did my month of OB which was pretty fun...except for being on call twice a week for 4 wks. I could have done without that. Then I did a month as the senior on service. That was challenging only because I had an intern who needed more assistance than I expected. You know how easily I get annoyed. The call schedule was better though. I also had my front tooth fixed. Turns out I had an abscess under one of my lower front teeth. It was the one that got busted when Jayna and I fought over a stick when I was in elementary school Yep, at some point I formed an abscess. I saw Aunty Karen's brother in law. He has an office near Lloyd Center, in the same building as the Mac Store. He was amazed that I had no pain. Also amazed that I didn't seem to have much pain during the procedures. I guess I'm tougher than I thought. Now I have a crown on that tooth. It felt weird at first but now I don't notice it unless I run my tongue over the back of the tooth since it has a slightly wider base in the back for stability, I guess.
Now I'm on my ortho rotation with Dr. Ruesch. His wife is from Aiea and they are now down there on vacation so my schedule will be nice next week. The foot guy who is alittle too proud of himself is also on vacation so I'll work with his junior partner this week. As long as I don't have to shave calluses off people's feet, I'll be happy. That was just gross. I don't like other people's feet.
I also joined 24 hour fitness and it came with sessions with a personal trainer. My trainer, Joe, has a bum shoulder so I'm not sure what he'll be able to do. Today was the intro session to talk about how out of shape I'm in and how I don't eat appropriately. Apparently I don't eat enough protein. And I already knew I love carbohydrates. I also learned that an orange has 1 g of fat. An orange has fat?!? How the hell is that possible? Well, he apparently has plans to make me hurt all over...great. If you don't hear from me soon, I may be dead. Oh so, my calorie intake should be around 1700. I don't like counting anything so he will be disappointed that I didn't do any counting. It's just easier to eat smaller servings of the stuff I already eat. That should work right? Tomorrow he's going to make me work hard...again, if you don't hear from me in a week, I may be dead. Melissa was excited when I told her I joined up. All the ladies in my program are members so they want to go to the classes but are teasing me about wanting to do the water classes since only the old people do those. Good, then I can really kick ass.
Okay, I gotta go poop then figure out what to have for dinner.