So a few months back, I took in my old ipod and got a new iphoto ipod because the battery life on the old one sucked and some songs would occasionally be messed up. Well, the management there, when I bought the plan, misinformed me and did not give me a copy of the plan agreement and so I was met with the unfortunate case of paying $200 instead of only $100 to do the upgrade (had to pay the difference for the better model). So in a fit of rage, I did the passive aggressive move of filing a complaint at the BBB website. I had done this with Dell in the past and the problem was resolved before the BBB contacted them so that resulted in nothing. I had pretty much forgotten about the compusa complaint in the midst of all the chaos of graduation and moving but today I got a gift card for $100 from compusa since there was a "misunderstanding." Basically, i was still wrong and they were right but I'm getting rewarded for filing a complaint. I would have preferred a credit to my charge card but beggars can't be choosers. I really didn't expect anything to come out of it. I never do but in a twisted sort of way, it makes me feel better after a perceived wrong against me.
In other news, I got a copy of my business card for residency. It says my name and title on it. It's awesome. Time to eat then read up for a fun filled day of ACLS tomorrow. At least I get to have fun tomorrow night with Carrie and Erin... I think. Carrie is supposed to call me about the details and whether or not we're still going out.
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