Well, today I participated in my first code. I felt quite useless actually and like I was watching while the PICU team did most of the work (which was nice). However, I was told that I participated more than expected by my senior resident on call with me. It made the morning feel crazy but things still got done with the other kids. After that, I could care less about the nit picky critique from the kaiser attending about exact diagnosis of the eating disorder kids...and actually, on weekend rounds, the cross cover folks could care less too since all that matters is what issues may come up and what needs to be done. Also, I was little annoyed when I tried to give the social background on a new kid. All I started off saying was that he moved to cal and was about to say he came back and was in a certain situation and got cut off. I felt like that info was important when learning about the emotional state of the kid but I guess that doesn't matter on weekend rounds either. For as much as they say it's important not to gloss over details on peds patients, they certainly don't seem to follow some of that on weekends. Anyway, only 2 more call nights to go. Wednesday and sunday. I'm not sure if I have call with misty again or if it will be a new person since the seniors will be switching out sometime this week to new rotations. Almost an entire month has gone by and I still feel like I just started out.
Tomorrow I present for morning report. God help me.
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