Monday, May 08, 2006

poor powerbook

My poor powerbook that suffered initially under my anger over my stupid wireless connection issues in new orleans is now suffering again. The screen is separating further and making it harder to open. I fear that one day it won't open without damaging the screen and perhaps giving me a little (or big) jolt of electricity. Ok, so I've wanted a new laptop since they debuted a while ago but I'd rather get it before it was an emergency. Yes, in my world, lack of a computer is a life threatening emergency.

Oh, so I was look at reviews of the Mighty Mouse that apple makes and this one person who was complaining about the pain in his hand it caused decided to self-diagnose himself. He says he has "tendovaginitis." So let's break this word down. I'm sure he meant "teno" which can refer to tendon. "vaginitis" means inflammation of the vagina. So somehow a man has inflammation of the vaginal tendon. No such tendon exists of course and I'm really just laughing my ass off at the pathetic attempt of someone to diagnose themselves. I'm still laughing my ass off and it's been well over 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Incommunicado Maxs said...

Aha, that's really funny. He posted that up on an apple website??