Thursday, October 20, 2005


Thanks to Kevin, Jodi, Mom and Dad, and perhaps Payton too, I now have a digital piano! Yea! Now I can have fun playing piano when I get home from work. Well, time to have some dessert.

Oh and finally got to intubate a couple of people. It was on my oncall night this week. They both had no teeth so no worries about breaking teeth and were both surgery patients so there was no "life or death" anxiety. I amazingly wasn't very shakey either.

Tomorrow mom and dad head home - it was a quick visit but at least I got to see them and hang out for a couple of afternoons (2 post call afternoons). THey leave super early tomorrow but I guess since I have to get up early for a 7:30 operation anyway, I can handle getting up at 4 am for a brief moment to say goodbye.

bergy comes next month so that will be fun. We can explore portland on the rare day we both have off at the same time. It will be nice if she ends up here for residency since she also kind of got tired of the late night bar scene towards the end of med school.

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